About Miconex

Miconex’s objective is simple: providing communities, be they towns, cities, downtowns or organisations, with a tangible means to retain spend in their local area, providing essential support for local businesses of all types and sizes. With Miconex, local and loyal shopping becomes not only easy for customers, but desirable, contributing to the evolution of high streets and downtowns around the world.

The UK’s first city-wide gift card programme Town & City Gift Cards was introduced by Miconex in 2015. More than a gift card, Town & City Gift Cards enable communities to develop their own local currency with a wide range of use cases, from consumer sales and employee rewards to disbursal of funds initiatives. In partnership with our places, and through innovation, dedication and a forward-thinking approach, the Town & City Gift Card brand has grown from 1 to 100 programmes in 6 years in the UK and Ireland, including Scottish government backed Scotland Loves Local Gift Cards for every local authority in Scotland, and Downtown Gift Card programs in Canada and the US.

If your town/city doesn’t have a gift card programme yet and you would like more information, please get in touch with us visit the Miconex website www.mi-cnx.com to find out more.

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